Monday, March 24, 2008

In the Beginning....

There was chaos.... Like all things directly (or indirectly for that matter) related to technology, I am eons behind....

(Side note: Boss if you are reading this, I'm totally up to speed on technology. I promise to not corrupt our files, shut down the server or have to re-install any software. I have also provided myself an "out" to this promise; I have programmed every imaginable help line into all my phones. You know, just in case...)

I thought I would start blogging at the beginning of Dallan's deployment as I thought that this life changing event was the beginning of the rest of our lives and thinking that we'd want to chronicle the year. I quickly realized though, that most of what has transpired this last year was either "classified" or way too personal. (We also discovered that with no email and very limited calling, snail mail is fun! We developed an old fashioned love story, complete with letters and doodles.) I also realized that we were stupid to think of his service in Iraq as the beginning of forever; this event is just the precursor that made us realize we haven't been "living", we've been getting by. Although there is no shame in this; we've worked hard and played too, we've just put things off for "later" or a "more convenient time".

Now, with his return looming in the near future (but still feels like forever....) I'm prepared to look to the future and live and let live. Life is about living and laughing; it's about loving-things we are ready to do again in full force. Like the 3R's of learning we've decided there should be the 3F's to life; family, friends and fun.

So, watch out life, the Livingston's are unstoppable....

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