Thursday, February 3, 2011

Not again....

In December of 2009 we purchased our home in Lincoln and unpacked with the sure knowledge that we would not being doing it again. I hate packing and moving and unpacking; I cannot emphasize the hate enough. I was so cemented in my conviction of never doing it again that I've jinxed us and we are indeed moving again....

When we moved in I was finishing school and Dallan was supposed to go active duty in the military. Well, as we've relearned again, plans mean nada.

For those of you that know me well, you know that law has always piqued my interest and now it's done something more: given me direction. Thanks to an amazing professors who pushed me towards law school and the most supportive of all spouses ever; I will be following my bachelor's degree not with a masters but with a JD. To save up before the three years of expense, we've decided to rent the house out, cut out all frivolous expenses and eliminate (we're hoping at least) one year of tuition that we will need to take a student loan for.

So, if you want our new address, let me know!


Unknown said...

have you picked out a law school yet??? what kind of law do you want to practice.. or do you know yet??? we live near Franklin Pierce Law school has quite a large number of lds folks and i'm only making the pitch because how AWESOME would it be to live close to US (and you wouldn't be too far from another uncle and aunt and counsin too.. DC).. good luck and YEA for you!!!

Stephanie said...

Yea for you and for good decisions! It will all be worth it! Wish I could be there to help with everything.

Ed L. said...

As currently the only (I think) attorney in the Livingston herd, let me be the first to extend my heartfelt condolences. ;)

Seriously though. Great idea to keep the expenses as low as possible when winding your way through law school. It will really give you a lot more options once you are on the other side. Feel free to shoot me an email if you want any advice on picking/surviving law school.

Uncle Scott

Mama D.'s Dozen said...

So glad you visited my blog today. I hope you pop by often.

Laurel :)

Paintings of Day said...

Wow. Good luck. I'm currently try to finish art school. I know how hard it could be.